Securefast Give CPD to Customers in Ireland
Kevin O'Reilly, Securefast's Technical Director presented to customers of Securefast in Dublin, Ireland on the subject of Electrically Controlled Exit Systems and what is allowed to be used on escape and final exit doors under EN13637. With the latest issue of PAS67 by the Private Security Authority it is important that locksmiths and installers are aware of what is acceptable and the options available.
It was also an opportunity for Securefast to be able address a number of questions raised by the customers and give them confidence on what they are fitting.
The standard EN13637 is not intended to replace the panic and emergency exit standard EN1125 and EN179, but to offer many benefits such as:-
1) Avoid unsafe means of locking the door with a number of options of securing and releasing the door
2) Allow use of electrical hardware on escape routes and doors such as such as electro-magnetic locks, electrical releases and electric locks
3) Improve security with the options to link to a burgular alarm and delayed egress, allowing a member of staff to investigate before a door is opened.
4) A display to show both Locked / Unlocked status.
5) Door open monitoring to tell staff / security when a door has been left open.
6) Delayed egress to stops people in a retail store from running straight out of a door with stolen goods or to prevent the mentally ill patents walking out of hospital wards.
7) Time control (to suit working hours).
8) Connection to an access control system and / video monitoring system
9) Remote control (CMC) sites controlled many miles from main station.